About Us
Specializing in providing customers with premium office seating at deeply discounted pricing, Beverly Hills Chairs has established itself as a market leader in furnishing offices across the country.
We have created the ultimate online shopping experience in office seating by delivering on the five pillars that we believe are integral to complete customer satisfaction: Specialized Expertise in Office Chairs; Free Shipping; Price Matching; Bulk Discounts; and a Premium Warranty.
We live and breathe office chairs and only sell office chairs and office chair accessories. Our team of office chair experts has hand-selected the top chairs across each style. design and price-point, taking care of the exhausting legwork generally associated with buying office chairs.
We are dedicated to providing the absolute best office chairs at out-standing pricing to every customer. regardless of order size or geography. We are committed to finding the optimal solution for each customer and can work in creative ways to ensure that our customers needs are met. Our goal is for each Beverly Hills Chairs customer to be a customer for life.
We hope you enjoy your online shopping experience. If you need any assistance offline, feel free to call the Beverly Hills Chairs hotline at 424-242-4780 or email as at support@beverlyhillschairs.com gm@beverlyhillschairs.com. Thank you again for choosing Beverly Hills Chairs.