How to Make Your Monday Morning Not So Shitty

Friday! Saturday! Sunday.... Mon.....dammit....Monday

Sunday Night is here, you're sitting back on your comfy couch either watching your city's baseball team lose yet another series, or you're slouched in poor posture reading Stephen Kings's latest horror novel. Whatever way you look at it, when it's Sunday night you know you're only hours from lackadaisically jumping on the train or into your car to head off to you're boring nine to five job. Although Monday, and especially the morning, can sometimes be a walking hell, there are a few ways to avoid making the day a lot less worse than it should be by slightly altering your morning routine.

Monday on red background, first day of week

Rinse off

7 a.m, the alarm buzzes and your first reaction is, "shiiiittt." Your eyes remain all crusty, and all you can think about is the dream you just had about you and your fantasy girl or guy. In about two hours from waking up, you're going to be hearing your bald-headed boss telling you to do this and that. To prepare for this, a great thing to do is jump in the shower. No need to soap up, and wash your hair. All you have to do is let that hot water run down your face. It will relax you and help your mind get into the zone.

bath, shower head, rinse

Read something

"Read 500 pages everyday" - Warren Buffet. Although billionaire, Warren Buffet, has the luxury of time to do this, we all can't douse ourselves in that many pages of words. However, in the morning you should make some time to read at least ten pages of something. That can vary from the news, to a fiction book, to a blog post, or whatever your heart desires. Reading is very helpful for stimulating the mind, and allows you to be more focused throughout the day. Read a little a day, and all that knowledge will add up.

bible, open book, read

Sit down, close your eyes, and think

A great way to achieve relaxation and peace of mind is to sit and just be with your thoughts. This can be achieved by sitting on a yoga mat, couch, or even a comfortable chair. If you choose to go in the direction of using a chair, a great choice would be a Herman Miller Aeron from Beverly Hills Chairs. The Herman Miller Aeron is one of the most well-known chairs for comfortability. Due to variety of adjustable features it promotes good blood flow and healthy posture, which is key to having a great start to your week. can just sleep in

If you choose to take this route and disregard all that was mentioned above, that's cool, and is what most of us truly would love to do.


How To: Make the Perfect Man Cave

How To: Make the Perfect Man Cave

Making the Cave Beers, enormous televisions, sports, and more beers. Many men dream of having the perfect "Man Cave," but hardly any feel like devoting the time and effort into crafting the elegant masterpiece for the boys and themselves. Man Caves are the epitome of masculinity. Building your own ...
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