The Dangers of a Bad Chair

Did you know: global studies show that on average, people sit 7.7 hours a day. 7.7 hours!? That is an obscene amount of time. Without a good chair, this can be bad news. Following is a list of problems that can be exacerbated by a bad chair. The remedy? An ergonomic Herman Miller chair. These bad boys are beautifully made, specifically to be the best chair on the market. And the better the chair, the fewer the problems, which can include:

  • An impact on your body's metabolism

  • An increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease

  • Extreme discomfort.

A nice ergonomic chair will give you good posture, thus helping to keep your body healthy and comfortable. Beverly Hills Chairs has great options that will keep your posture upright. If you want to be unhealthy, buy a raggedy old chair without posture related ergonomic benefits. But if you want to be healthy, stylish, and avoid potential problems, buy a refurbished Herman Miller.


Defining Ergonomics

Defining Ergonomics

We all read about the health benefits of having an ergonomic chair, but what exactly does ergonomic mean? Here is a simple breakdown of the meaning behind ergonomics and why it is crucial for your health. What does "ergonomic" mean? Ergonomics is a term that is being used more and more frequen...
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